Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Virtual Vs. Augmented Reality

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    Virtual and augmented reality are both new technologies that allow us to see/interact with our world in very different ways. More specifically, virtual reality is a three-dimensional realistic and immersive simulation. Augmented reality is an enhanced image or environment viewed on a screen or another display. I believe that both of these technologies would be useful in the classroom, but virtual reality tends to be a lot more expensive. Therefore, I personally believe that augmented reality will flourish the most. I believe augmented reality is going to flourish more because it is more practical for educational purposes than virtual reality is. There are many ways to use augmented reality, and it is easy to tie this type of technology into the classroom. For instance, augmented reality is available with many apps that can easily be used for educational advances in all different subjects. Augmented reality is also very practical for non-educational reasons as well. Augmented reality can translate signs in different languages, and it can inform you of nearby restaurants, food places, and etc. With virtual reality, I think it is more practical to be used more for gaming and not so much for education unless it is used at a wealthy institution. Therefore, I think people will be more accepting and supportive of the augmented reality because it is more readily available and much more practical.

Image result for augmented reality   I can see augmented reality being utilized in my future classroom in many ways. For example, it is easy to set up stations that use augmented reality, and these activities are engaging! I would be happy to use augmented reality in my classroom because it would get my students excited about learning, and it would be a nice break from traditional learning. Augmented reality is also a great way to help students visualize certain things because it brings them to life! For example, you could bring a world map to life so students could see the world in a different, more accurate way. I think augmented reality has a very bright future in education, and I am anxious to see how far it will go!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Gamification, Yay or Nay?

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      Gamification is a great way to bring technology into the classroom and keep students actively engaged, however there is a lot to consider when using it. For instance, it is very important to make sure the particular gamification is appropriate for the age group you are working with. Also, it is very important to test out the gamification you would like to use in your classroom before you decide to use it. Another thing you must consider is accessibility because some gamification requires all students to have their own device which is not always possible.

      I believe that the best example of gamification we've seen in class is Osmo. I think Osmo is so cool, and I love that it has games for many different subjects. Osmo is very easy to use and allows students to work alone or in groups. It also allows them to learn in a very hands-on manner. I was impressed with the countless different learning activities/games that Osmo provided. I would recommend Osmo to any teacher or parent because it is a great example of educational technology!

Image result for gamification      I think gamification is a good thing because it takes learning beyond the traditional classroom. Also, gamification brings out the love of learning that students sometimes miss out on. Gamification makes learning fun again and it keeps students engaged. There are so many different types of gamification that can be incorporated in almost any classroom. I think it needs to be used more in classrooms because it has so many benefits. YAY for gamification!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Student Learning

    Personally, as a student I learn best from hands-on activities. It is very difficult for me to understand something if I can not be physically engaged. I dislike classes that are lecture based because it is hard for me to stay focused when I am not actively involved in the lesson. I also learn best from visuals because it helps me make connections and actually see what I am trying to learn.

    I think my learning preferences will affect me as a teacher because I will incorporate them into my classroom. Since I learn best from hands-on activities and visuals it will be easy for me to come up with ways to bring those into my own lessons. These items will be increasingly important in teaching elementary education because children learn best from visualizing and physically participating in the classroom. Also, hands-on activities help students stay focused and they give every child a chance to be involved.

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     I do not think that humans necessarily need a reward to give them motivation because when we accomplish things we feel good about ourselves. I believe the only reward humans need is the sense of accomplishment they receive when they complete something. Also, as humans continue to work hard they become more successful and reach their goals which is a reward in itself. If humans needed a reward each time we accomplished something we would never do anything out of the kindness of our hearts. We would not want to put in any extra work because we would get no physical "reward" out of it, and that would make our society very selfish. The best reward anyone can receive is proof that they are bettering themselves!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Teachers Staying Current

    Imagine you are at your first teaching interview and your interviewer asks you: how do you keep current in emerging trends in education, classroom tools, and technology? If you were in this situation right now would you know how to answer this question to the best of your ability?

    I know if I were in this situation, I would be able to tell my interviewer about my PLN (personal learning network)! I would explain how I use separate Twitter and Pinterest accounts specifically for keeping up-to-date with teaching trends! Also, I would tell them about how many great classroom organization and teaching strategies I have learned from Pinterest. I would explain how Twitter provides me with new ideas on many educational technology tools I can utilize in my classroom. The last thing I would explain would be how I plan to go to different educational conferences. I would attend these conferences in order to learn more about educational advances as well as new technology that could help me give my students a better learning experience! I would also let my interviewer know that I plan on continuing to develop my PLN.

   Having a PLN is very important as a teacher, and being able to prove at an interview that I already have a developed PLN would make me stand out! It is important to stay up-to-date on everything so that you can always better support your students, and this becomes easy through your PLN.
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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Road of Educational Technology!

Image result for "smart boards"   Educational technology has faced many hurdles over the years! I think many of these hurdles have to do with money. A lot of schools simply cannot afford these technological advancements. Also, I think some parents or even some schools may be opposed to the increase in technology-based learning. Some people prefer traditional learning styles and they may think those are better. Although, I believe that the people who are completely opposed to technology-based learning do not fully understand the benefits of it or what it has to offer.

   I believe teachers can try to prevent these hurdles by trying to raise money for their schools! If it is important enough to the teachers than I think the teachers should help out! Some teachers may say this is not their responsibility, and they are correct in the sense that budgeting and the money for the school's resources does not fall directly on their shoulders. However, teachers who truly care about their students' education will go the extra mile to help them in any possible way! I know as a future teacher I would do anything in my power to assist my students in their learning process. Another way teachers can help is by staying updated on the current educational technology opportunities! Teachers should also make it a point to educate the parents, and even the other staff members if necessary on these advancements.


internet computer technology spongebob squarepants
    Personally, in order to get past these hurdles I will definitely make sure the parents understand why I am using the technology in the classroom. I will make sure that they understand how it will be beneficial to their child, too! I will also always try to find new ways to teach using technology and help students learn using technology. It is important to change things up when teaching, and it will help the students tremendously! I am so excited to put these practices to use when I have my own classroom someday!
Thanks for tuning in to my blog this week!
Be sure to check out my timeline on Educational Technology!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Google Vs. Microsoft

    After doing similar assignments on both Microsoft Word and PowerPoint and Google Docs and Slides, I found that I like Microsoft a lot better. I found it was very easy to do all the tasks on Microsoft Word and PowerPoint that I had to complete. The only issue I had was with PowerPoint when I had to change the design and/or background for each individual slide. This was not as user-friendly, and I had to google it to figure out a way to do it.

     When I used Google Docs and Slides, I noticed that it took me a lot longer to find certain things because unlike with Microsoft, the icons don't just jump right out at you. Some of the things I had to google to even find out where they were located. Also, Google Docs was very limited with their fonts, so they did not have the font we were required to use. The other issue I had was specifically with Google Slides because it was very difficult to add sound to it because there is not a direct way to add sound.

     I think Microsoft Word has more pros than Google because it is just a lot easier to use, and it has so many more options. I was surprised at how limited the Google products were when it came to certain things such as the fonts and even the transitions and animations. The only thing I thought was easier to do with Google Slides than Microsoft PowerPoint was to change the color of the individual slides. This was very simple to do with Google Slides!
     In my opinion, it would make more sense for my students to use Microsoft Powerpoint because I just think it is much easier to navigate and understand. Also, Microsoft has a lot more pictures to demonstrate what the icons do, and I noticed that in Google it is pretty much all words/phrases. The pictures would definitely help younger students who are unable to read well! Also, Microsoft would allow them to be more creative in their projects because there is just so much more variety on Microsoft than on Google.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Students & Internet Searching

    It is very important to take precautions when students are using the internet because the internet is full of unfiltered items. It is important to educate the students on the importance of being safe and responsible when using the internet.
Image result for "children using computers"

    If I had my own students searching the internet the first thing I would do is search the topic on my own first so I would be familiar with what would come up. It is important as a teacher to preview anything that you will be exposing your students to. When we were actually going to do the internet searching as a class, I would make sure I could see all of their computer screens at all times. The next thing I would do is make sure we were all searching for the same thing. I wouldn't let them come up with their own search topics. I would tell them exactly what to type in and where to go from there. I would make sure they wouldn't click on any of the links without permission from an adult.

Follow this link to a video on safe internet searching!

    I would present internet searching as a positive thing because it can be very useful for educational purposes as well as in every day life. However, I would make it known that internet searching isn't a game and needs to be taken seriously. I would make sure they knew the consequences and risks it could have if it were to be used inappropriately.

    I know a lot of schools block many websites to make internet searching safer for students. Also, many schools make it a point to educate their teachers and other staff about safe internet practices. One solution for safe internet searching would be for schools to install the "safe search app" on iPads or tablets. Also, it is important for schools to enable the safe search option on Google on their computers.There are many other safe internet search practices that schools use to make sure kids are protected. The following website consists of many different examples of these search techniques: Check out this informational article for more information on internet searching!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Beginning of my Blogging Journey

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     To be completely honest, I just chose a random blog site from the recommended list on canvas. However, if I had to choose a blog website without any recommendations or prior knowledge I would start out by using google to get familiar with different ones. I would check out different websites and see which one I liked best before just picking the first one I came across. I would consider criteria such as user friendliness and accessibility.

     I wasn't too excited about blogging initially, but as I began to learn more about how it can be used I warmed up to the idea of it. Specifically, I never really thought about blogging being used for an educational purpose such as this one. I have never been fond of other people reading what I have to say, so the idea of it seemed foreign to me. Although, I am very open-minded in my life, and I want to continue that with this blog in order to get the most out of it.
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     This blog can be beneficial in more ways than one. It gives me a chance to express myself in a setting that is unfamiliar to me. Also, it gives me a chance to hear the opinions of others and how they relate to my own opinions. This blog can teach me a lot and expand my horizons on different topics. I think this blog will be beneficial to my educational journey as well as my life.