If I had my own students searching the internet the first thing I would do is search the topic on my own first so I would be familiar with what would come up. It is important as a teacher to preview anything that you will be exposing your students to. When we were actually going to do the internet searching as a class, I would make sure I could see all of their computer screens at all times. The next thing I would do is make sure we were all searching for the same thing. I wouldn't let them come up with their own search topics. I would tell them exactly what to type in and where to go from there. I would make sure they wouldn't click on any of the links without permission from an adult.
I would present internet searching as a positive thing because it can be very useful for educational purposes as well as in every day life. However, I would make it known that internet searching isn't a game and needs to be taken seriously. I would make sure they knew the consequences and risks it could have if it were to be used inappropriately.
I know a lot of schools block many websites to make internet searching safer for students. Also, many schools make it a point to educate their teachers and other staff about safe internet practices. One solution for safe internet searching would be for schools to install the "safe search app" on iPads or tablets. Also, it is important for schools to enable the safe search option on Google on their computers.There are many other safe internet search practices that schools use to make sure kids are protected. The following website consists of many different examples of these search techniques: http://www.educationworld.com/a_curr/curr073.shtml. Check out this informational article for more information on internet searching!
I find that a great way to look up the topic first to make sure that it's a appropriate site and safe for the children. Its good that you're monitoring them all at the same time, making sure that everyone is on the same page and is following along with the instructions. Letting your students know that they can have fun with the internet but be responsible and take it seriously because it's not a game.
ReplyDeleteI really like what you said about pre-searching the topic to know what will come up! Additionally, I agree with what you said about being able to see their computer screens at all times. Those are both really great ways to allow students to independently learn to research through experience, while still keeping them safe!